So I had to look for alternatives.
Two of them, combined, are worth using:
- the SmallPDF website, for basic split/merge and efficient compress operations;
- the fabulous PDFill software, for other operations.
The recurring script for publishing is the following:
- Get all sources from, Gallica, wherever.
- Decide for publishing strategy: untouched contents (images or resized PDF) and/or manual transcription; include or not reviews.
- Use PDFill to extract the PDF pages topublish.
- Use PDFill to resize PDF pages to A5 (A5 148x210mm is not a built-in value).
- Use PDFill to insert header and page numbers (no roman numbers available, even in the pay edition for now).
- Use LibreOffice for first pages (Title Page, TOC, foreword/presentation...) and export it to PDF (alternatively use Inkscape to design first and last pages and export them to PDF).
- Use LibreOffice for last pages and export it to PDF.
- Use PDFill to merge all the pages into one file.
- Use PDFill to update PDF file information.
- Publish the PDF as is on web sites.
- Use PDFill to create an image for the title page (and publish it on websites, blogs...)
- Use SmallPDF to reduce the size of the PDF File for publication on document sharing sites.
- Publish on document sharing sites.